Air Gear Wiki

Source for Tempest Road?[]

Source for Tempest Road?[]

Sorry but... what the hell is this? I've never read anything about a Tempest Road or Deshawn Anderson. This Tempest Road thing is even mentioned in other pages like Takeuchi Sora.

Kilik-sama (talk) 07:47, January 9, 2015 (UTC)

There is no source because he does not exist nor does this road, hence why  I deleted everything on this page. This was simply some fanboys attempt to insert himself into the Air Gear universe. Im assuming what he did not understand  was that this was a wiki not a playground for his fantasies. People come here for reliable information about the characters and the universe they exist in, by having this exist it compromises the rest of the information on here.

Pr0zu3s (talk) 23:25, May 21, 2015 (UTC)
