Air Gear Wiki

Thunder Regalia

The Thunder Regalia is a full body suit capable of destroying an entire town. The rotation of this regalia generates electricity, and it becomes even stronger when conducted through special piano wires, based on Fleming's theory. It can create a strong magnetic force, attracting metal objects. It can also create electromagnetic waves that make people see illusions. Its core is a pair of dynamos capable of generating electricity and storing it in battery reels. When deployed, these battery reels undergo Roulette Wave Expansion and unreel massive amounts of cables through which current is dispensed. In chapter 271 Nue shows the transformed version of the regalia to which the full body suit becomes this unknown object on the back with vertebrae going up the spine. The arms are left and resemble gauntlets, and legs stay the same.



Transformed Thunder Regalia

Get Together - By manipulating electricity in his surroundings, Nue is capable of generating a magnetic field that draws all metallic objects to the ground. He uses this to disarm Wind G-Men agents after the Behemoth match, and then to hold Gabishi down in preparation for his Infinity Atmosphere ability.

Atmosphere Max - Once his desired target is completely entangled by his wires, Nue generates a large surge of electricity from his Regalia and sends it through the wires, essentially cooking the afflicted enemy. Even Gabishi, a King-level Gravity Child and a member of Sleeping Forest, was instantly knocked out by this trick.

Illusions - Nue uses his Regalia to mess with his enemy's brain waves, causing them to hallucinate and see things that aren't real. He uses this to great effect with the help of his team, who can actually strike foes (making the trick even more convincing).

Lightning Spider Net - Nue ensnares an opponent in his wire system and procedes to electrocute them.
